Tuesday, July 24, 2012

My big plans: A personal blog

Some of my friends know this already, but soon I will be heading up a non-profit.  We will be taking Shelter Dogs and turning them into Service Dogs for our Soldiers who have come home with PTSD.  We are also hoping to train and place 40-50 Therapy dogs (also shelter dogs) a year.

I'm really looking forward to this venture and once I finish up my Physical Therapy I'll be headed to Texas.  It has taken a little longer than I had hoped but my friend Amy is being VERY patient.  Her Fiance' is the first to get a dog trained.  I will also be working two other dogs along with Cali our new Trainer in training.  Lots of time on my feet playing with puppies!  What is it they say, do something you love and it does;t feel like work at all.  Wish me luck!

So basically every dime I make is going to fund my venture- also we will be providing puppy obedience classes as well. I have dreamed of this for years it's going to be awesome to see it come into action!

For Sophia final mock up before coding

The buttons will be different of course, but I like for you
 to know what your listing will look like put together.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Check out these listings I made:

Southern Diva

Vanessa Michaels


Princess Angel Brat

Oh and my new listing!!!

I normally turn my listing around in 24 hours or less...but I can only be as quick as you are.  I need your button links etc to get you up and running.  When you get a listing from me all you do is paste and copy.  You need not worry about fussing with it in niteflirt's html editor- I take care of that headache for you!


Friday, July 13, 2012

My New Puppy-she will help train PTSD Dogs for Veterans

Meet Cali- I haven't been online much because I'm working on putting together a non-profit to train Therapy dogs and Service dogs.  I have three Soldiers already signed up for their dogs and I'm not even in Texas yet.  It's a lot of work training new dogs but they do better with another dog that is already trained doing commands.  Monkey see Monkey do...lol

Cali is almost pure German Shepherd Dog with selective breeding and the addition of a minute amount of American Bulldog they have managed to get amazing throw back coloring- I've never seen anything like her, I have also never seen such an easy dog to train.

Just yesterday she wouldn't even walk on a leash, now she does heel,sit,shake and down on command with just a few hours of work. I'm thrilled with her.  I'm still checking in on web design work so if you need something let me know- I do that at night.