Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Cost of being too friendly...

It seems the more you try and help someone the more they expect.  This is absolutely the case when we drop our rates for calls.  We might get more calls but the caliber of our clients suffers.  I believe in charging to get the more prestigious customer.  I admit to that because once you lower your standards your business suffers.  I do a lot in the real world for people already but from now on business is business period.

Don't let my kindness be mistaken for weakness.  No more favors, if anyone needs a freebie- I have some nice ones posted.  I've also decided to code a few, I know it's tough starting out but don't bite the hand that is trying to feed you.

I appreciate the ladies that visit my blog, and would love to see my templates in action, so link me up!  There will be more to come!  Let me know what you think & leave comments. I'd love my blog to be more interactive.